Monday, April 6, 2009

Trade Pokémon On Kigb

Volunteers Needed!


Coffee citizen on Green District, held last week (you will soon receive the report) marked the end of the first part of the engagement process enterprise.

The next step, the Citizens Forum April 26, will allow us to revisit and prioritize the proposals and concerns that have been launched to develop a common vision of development for the Saint Viateur Est.

This day will focus on several workshops small group with shared in plenary. Interventions and theatrical exhibitions of visual elements showing different views of the sector will allow us to change perspectives.
Given the popularity of cafes citizens, we expect a large number of participants.

We need a helping hand to make this day enjoyable and rewarding for all! Join the team of volunteers!

You can participate in the following sub-committees

1 - Home: 3 volunteers
Registration and distribution of participants by tables, provide documentation

2 - Seating and kiosks: 5 volunteers
Seating in the morning, layout of tables and chairs. Decorating the hall (in collaboration with the artistic committee)

to do in advance: signs to guide participants
Finally, remove the room at the end of the forum.

3 - Buffet, beverages, scrap: 3 volunteers
buffet reception and installation, providing there is no shortage of coffee, water, etc.. provide containers for receiving waste recycling, waste damp, empty the trash.

4 - Animation / content: 20 volunteers
A facilitator and a per table (8-9 participants per table) for the working sessions in workshops (approximately 1:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon)
The facilitator should ensure that trade remains within the proposed action. He sees to enforce the time limit, giving the towers paroles.etc .. More information will be emailed to volunteers.

Know that participate in the spots will not prevent you from attending the Forum. In addition, volunteers do not pay registration fees ... Feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank

Isabelle Anguita


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