One morning I walked to school, I walked through the gate and I crossed the courtyard go to my store.
All of a sudden, I saw Mr. Blanchart running towards me, shouting: "Monika" Get out of school, there are monsters everywhere!''I do not believe I continued to eat.
Suddenly, I noticed that there was a big green monster who was behind the building room fun, and had 26 eyes and a hundred mouths! In each mouth, there were students dead, broken in two.
I did not know what to do, I screamed: "Help me!''But there was nobody around.
While I was looking for a place to hide, I saw Mr. Bivort.
It m ' said that all I saw was a hallucination because there was something not very cool in the sandwich I had eaten.
few days later I woke up in hospital.
My mother was crying because she had very fear. MONICA
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