"What happened? "
And one of them said,
" Ghosts! They are everywhere in the school! "
I added
" It's not true, ghosts exist not! "
At this point, we heard noises and other students ran away, there's even one that fell in the mud, but the band continued without him.
In any case I still had to go and put away. So I decided I did not know how to return to school. My legs were shaking. When I found myself in the building, all was desert! I climbed to the second floor to see if Mr. Blanchart was there but that's where I was wrong. Instead of going into the French class, I went into the study room, fully meeting ghosts, and they asked me
"What you want here, boy?
- No! It is I who ask you what you do here! "
He said, weeping
" Here was the home of ghosts and they want it back! At this point there was a cemetery but in 1970, vocational education has emerged and they decided to build a school here in the cemetery. In 2001, they made a fusion between the FITC-Fusty Wyns and AR Jules Bordet and that's when I realized they were going to stay ici.Nous, ghosts, have decided In 2009, it was going to rebel and seize the buildings and turn them into ghost school. "I thought
" What will I do? "
And suddenly he came to me the idea that I could save the school and told the ghost
" I'm not here for a history lesson but I have an idea that you could help: I'll give you my GPS with the address of a cemetery but on one condition: you leave here now. "The ghost
thought for a bit and he agreed. Of course, it would keep my GPS but it I was going to discuss later with Mr. Bivort.
As for ghosts, neither was ever reviewed!
Atyla read by M Safi
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