It was the center of Brussels, more exactly to the Grand Place. It was a very old building that was known throughout Europe. We arrived at the Hotel de Ville to 11h30.Nos teachers invited us watching attentivemment wholes buildings because after, it would work with Mr. and Mrs. Blanchart Staumont. After Mr.
Blanchart explained the instructions (I think I spent an eternity to listen), noon sonna.Tout stack at once, the sun hid himself, was seen in the sky a large moon red as blood and black clouds. Then out of nowhere a thick fog. The first idea that came to my mind it was an eclipse ... but I had not heard that in one foresaw. And yet we could see nothing before us!
Moments later, the earth shook and the vampires came out of I do not know où.Ces vampires were weird because instead of attacking us, they began to dance tango.Nous were surprised to see something as crazy.
But alas for us, the eternal dance did not last long, because of Samba who laughed with them. One of the vampire is unleashed and then all the band began to pursue us. We believed in Scooby-Doo with these vampires who would chase us. I do not know how long collapsed, when all of a sudden, he woke Blanchart, saying: "I am tired, I do not want to play Scooby-Doo! "Sabina
terrible pain of our adorable professor out of his bag a small box that contained garlic.
Seeing this, the vampires began to cry, saying: "No, we do not want this terrible fate."
We threw garlic on vampires that were sprayed on the field.
The sun reappeared in the sky. What a strange day
Isabela, read by Ms. Johri
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