A half-hour of brisk walking rapidly improves the morale of depressed people, according to a new study offering them the same stimulation they might seek instant with cigarettes, coffee or a compulsive eating.
According to researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, depressed walking on a treadmill for half an hour just to feel better physical and psychological conditions for at least an hour after finishing exercise . Their work is published in the December issue of the journal Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise. "
The study funded by Future Search Trials, a medical research company based in Austin, examined 40 people aged 18 to 55 years. All have recently suffered a major depression, not taking any antidepressant treatment, nor doing sports.
Patients were divided into two groups. Twenty people have been designated to exercise for 30 minutes while they asked twenty others remain seated quietly during the same period. They were examined five minutes before the session and five, 30 and 60 minutes later.
Patients in both groups have all reported a decrease in their negative feelings, tension, depression, fatigue, anger ... But only the group that had declared the year he felt good after the session.
According to John Bartholomew, head of the research team, this study confirms other work, which has already shown the beneficial effects of exercise, along with treatment and psychological counseling to help people overcome depression.
However, the study is among the first to have demonstrated that exercise can have an immediate beneficial effect.
"This is not something you need to do for ten weeks, or you have to do with intensity," said This specialist, associate professor of kinesiology and health education. "You can make a profit now and I hope that's the kind of thing that will motivate enough people to continue to do so."
The study notes that depressed people fighting their evil blows of cigarettes, coffee or binge eating, derive the same benefit of a practice exercise. But experts note that it is difficult to change bad habits and already hard to do sports in healthy individuals ...
Still, for people suffering from mild or moderate depression, exercise can decrease feelings of abandonment and isolation, said Dr. Erik Nelson, assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at the College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati.
"People should not feel that the only thing they can do is take their medicine and wait to feel better. This kind of study shows that there are things to do for oneself in the short term. "
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