1. Eat at regular times
Hunger makes it more vulnerable to food cravings. Do not stay long hours without eating. Eat meals at regular times.
2. Cheers snacks!
If you have a snack in the morning and another in the afternoon, you will eat less at meals. If you go home hungry after a long day of work, you may not have the patience to wait for meal time and eat everything you can get your hands on. The perfect snack containing carbohydrates and protein: a fruit and yogurt, vegetables and cheese, stewed fruit and some nuts, a glass of milk and crackers, etc..
3. Avoid temptation
you love potato chips and can stop you when you began to eat? You're addicted to ice cream, candy, chocolate, cheese or peanut butter? Avoid having your fridge or pantry these foods you can not resist. You simply eat at restaurants or friends, for example.
4. Limit your alcohol consumption
Alcohol stimulates the appetite. If you take a drink, you may eat more meals at the following. Compulsive people have great difficulty eat sensibly when they consumed alcohol.
5. Watch out for sugary foods
It is particularly hard to resist sweets and high glycemic index. Sweetened breakfast cereals, white bread, desserts, ice cream should be avoided as much as possible.
6. No strict diets to
People who have already monitoring such schemes are among the most prone to binge eating. They succumb easily to the food they are private when they were on a diet.
7. Yes protein
We quickly felt the effect of satiety after eating foods rich in protein. Eggs, cheese, tofu, meat, poultry and fish feel fuller and support for an extended period.
8. Increase your intake fiber
fibers, as protein foods, you feel fuller while promoting bowel movement. People eat less when they eat whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta, for example. Choose crackers, breakfast cereals and bread containing more than 4 grams of fiber per serving.
9. Eat spicy
Studies show that spicy foods, especially those containing chilli, decrease appetite. Raise your dishes. And tasty dishes tasty you will be satisfied quickly.
10. Learn to resist
You are taking a craving? Wait a while before succumbing. Do you really hungry? If the answer is no, but the temptation persists, get out and go for a walk, call a friend or write your journal to clear the mind.
11. Do not eat alone
Getting down to dinner with friends or family to help satisfy the normal portions.
12. Ask for help
If your compulsions are frequent (several times a week) and the problem lasts for months, a consultation with a specialist - a nutritionist or psychologist - is desirable. Some psychologists specialize in the treatment of compulsive behaviors. Overeaters Anonymous The group also assists people struggling with eating disorders. The approach, similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, focuses on the physical, emotional and spiritual. Tel. : 1 800 509-1939. ________________________
By Isabelle Huot, PhD in nutrition
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