Friday, March 24, 2006

Preserving Pheasant Cape

Active in four stages

inactive Anyone who starts for the first time a training program or a new business and wants to make it a regular practice will go through four stages.
1 - Resolution
2 - Initiation
3 - The test
4 - Success
The resolution (before the start of the activity)
At this point, you (the sedentary) are questioning your lifestyle. You notice that some of your needs make you take a life, but you hesitate to change your routine. Incorporate physical activity sessions in his daily routine creates resistance change. We must overcome this resistance.
You analyze the pros and cons of working life and motivate you more to say "I'll move." At one point the famous snap happen that ensures that you decide to start the procedures to be active or active regularly. The resolution of active living is the biggest difficulty of this step.
Then you must choose an activity that suits your tastes and your goals. It is necessary that the choice meets your needs.
The motto of this stage is to say "I'll Stay" and choose its business.
Initiation (From early in the second month)
After choosing according to your personal criteria an activity, it must begin. You, the new active person, feel that initial stress is that you find yourself in a new environment and also because the change disrupts your lifestyle. Despite this small problem, if the activity was properly chosen, the danger of interrupting the activity will disappear because you feel a real passion for your sport. Indeed, the notion of novelty bring pleasure.
However, if the activity does not match your taste and your requirements or if the atmosphere is unpleasant, you cease to practice soon. The vast majority of failures at this stage is due to a poor choice of activity and not your behavior.
The watchword is to have fun in your new activity.
The test (the third month in the seventh month)
At this stage, you begin to understand your business and your family. The first difficulty will be felt. For example, you travel, you change jobs or school becomes more difficult. These are situations that will change your active lifestyle. It is important not to fall into laziness. It is preferable to adopt a positive attitude and energetic. It is normal to miss sessions of activities, but long term it must be regular. Persist despite obstacles that confront you.
In addition, you may feel tired. We must recognize the signs your body sends you to properly dose the frequency of your sessions. If fatigue sets in, it takes time to recover or go ahead more smoothly in your business.
The watchword is to be regular practice in your business while taking the time to get your rest periods.
Success (Eight months and more)
rendering at this stage, you're comfortable with your surroundings and your business. The sessions of physical activity are an integral part of your active lifestyle. You're definitely on track. Just keep practicing your business. Take time to encourage others to move.
You're at the point where you can try new activities. The new practice Sports can seek different qualities of the body.
The watchword is to keep moving.
by Thomas Kieller

Kate Natural Beauties

5 ways to enjoy its exercises

It good move, but it's still better to learn from his efforts.
1. Sleep more.

Simple: well rested, we are able to work harder.
2. Be concentrated.
is allowed to work in the office and it takes that long for us. A tip: start with 5 minutes of meditation.
3. Space the intense training of at least 48 hours.
is the minimum necessary to recover.
4. An intake of complex carbohydrates
- drink Gatorade or eat an apple - during training delays fatigue by increasing the level of serotonin and dopamine in the brain.
5. Respect its rhythm.
Practice as much as possible time when we feel attacked. It is unproductive and almost impossible to deceive its natural rhythm.
By Nathalie Lambert

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Why is it so difficult to change habits? Going Green

Whether you're the type to lie down in front of the TV rather than exercise, smoking the last cigarette ... for six months or to panic because you have more nail biting, know that you're not alone. "People do not change their behavior," said Richard Earle, Director of the Canadian Institute of Stress and the Hans Selye Foundation. Why? It is human nature to resist change, even if we know that our lives would be improved. "Most of us prefer to go with the flow," he says and that is why it is often said that "the only human being for change is a baby who has the full coat! "
We tend to predict failure, why?
Mr. Earle has used humor to explain why it is so difficult to change. In fact, this resistance is even more complex than one might think because of that other human characteristic common to all, whatever our culture or ethnic origin: the tendency to pessimism. "In every language spoken on Earth, the relationship between pessimistic and optimistic qualifiers is three against one," he says.
other words, we are better equipped, views linguistic, psychological and emotional, to focus our efforts on what can go wrong rather than go well. The result? Our motivation is crumbling before starting any change. "Is it any wonder that people lose all desire to continue? launches Mr. Earle. We have only seen the weight-loss programs that do not work or the range of gym equipment that collects dust in a corner of the house. "
What inspired the change?
An important motivating factors is the discomfort. Much of what motivates or inspires people to change can be summarized in one word: illness. Most people do not change their behavior when they have a lot wrong or when they feel really uncomfortable, "says Earle who never forgets to ask this question to his patients," What pain or discomfort what made you change your behavior? "Jan Hill, Consultant dynamics of life in Toronto, confirms this account:" People suffer and endure until their situation becomes untenable, they then take the necessary steps to change their lifestyle. "This decision
usually coincides with a change in fundamental values. An example of someone who felt important to engage fully in a career and who now supports it is vital make time for friends, family, and herself.
factor "M", the motivation must come from within
The experts agree that motivation must come from inside. No blame, no reasoning or intimidation will not come to the end of a partner, a child or a boss who does not change. While the support of others is essential, only the person concerned may take appropriate action.
"If we change behavior just to please others, we risk having problems. It is much more likely that we will have a relapse during periods of stress, "says Ms Hill. Because the process of change is stressful in itself, it is much easier to succumb to temptation when suffering from fatigue, hunger or loneliness.
Ultimately, the key is to be truly motivated to have the factor "M," says Earle. He cites the example of a 50 year old man who, despite her rheumatoid arthritis, loved restoring old cars. Despite suffering more, he refused to stretching needed to warm his muscles, until, after doing some stretching exercises, he was able to slip more easily under his car. That was the trigger that has decided to enroll in yoga classes. "Do not try to motivate this man," says Earle. Only when he realized that the exercises did him good, he had the motivation to do them. It was from that moment he changed his mind. "
support of others is essential
should also know that any change may alter the relationship we have with our surroundings, especially with people who have the same bad habits like drinking alcohol, smoking or be inactive.
To help you maintain your new lifestyle, you bind a friendship with the people you meet at the club. Who knows, maybe you'll even be able to improve your relationships with loved ones who have often suffered from your absence at the table when you stay at the office too late.
You will also recognize those who support your new lifestyle and what you put sticks in the wheels. You will increase your chances of success by surrounding yourself with people who encourage you. After all, what could be more rewarding than seeing your child smile when they announce that instead of working late, you take them to see some baseball?
More tips for encouraging change
"Habits like the company," remarks Jan Hill. To reach the break you need to break the links between them. If you quit , for example, and had used to smoke a cigarette with a coffee, you must change it behavior: rather keep a journal or take the time to take a walk!
For your convenience, make a daily stock of your successes, or even try to visualize yourself in the process of achieving one of your dreams: to sail around the BVI; your autograph bestseller, etc..
Relapse: If you fail the first time ...
First, know that there is no shame in relapse. It is very difficult to change his lifestyle. Most people succumb to temptation at some point. The important thing is to not let this relapse (perhaps you've smoked a cigarette or eating a whole bag of chips), to convince you that you can not do it.
According to experts, a relapse can provide vital information on your degree of vulnerability. So learn a lesson, leave again on track and learn to manage future play. Through perseverance you will succeed.

Posted July 7, 2005
This article was prepared by Kristin Jenkins, a journalist and editor of Toronto specializing in health and medicine.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What Kind Of Pulley Is A Sail Boat?

In honor of St. Patrick, here are five foods that make all others green with envy. Although their nutritional value is the size of the Incredible Hulk (they are rich in vitamins A and C, fiber and folic acid), are rather small elves, fewer than 50 calories per serving.

A traditional way to add a touch of elegance to any meal. Cook them with steam or microwave oven and garnish them with fresh lemon juice.

Brussels sprouts.

Watch them as they are minichoux and grate them into salads or cook lightly steamed and season.


Two cups of raw spinach in salads give you more vitamin A than you need in one day.

florets of broccoli.

For a snack energizing, reduce, corn chips in favor of broccoli in trays with dips.


One of those little hairy fruit contains enough vitamin C for a day. The kiwi eats better if you pour from a spoon, like a boiled egg.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Can't Recover From Pleurosy

12 Tips to avoid food cravings

You're the kind you remember then, no longer able to stuff yourself? And, Of course, then you feel guilty. You will want to have faltered again, having eaten so much and not having been able to control yourself. You are a victim of the so-called food cravings or compulsions, that is to say a loss of control regarding food.
1. Eat at regular times
Hunger makes it more vulnerable to food cravings. Do not stay long hours without eating. Eat meals at regular times.

2. Cheers snacks!
If you have a snack in the morning and another in the afternoon, you will eat less at meals. If you go home hungry after a long day of work, you may not have the patience to wait for meal time and eat everything you can get your hands on. The perfect snack containing carbohydrates and protein: a fruit and yogurt, vegetables and cheese, stewed fruit and some nuts, a glass of milk and crackers, etc..
3. Avoid temptation
you love potato chips and can stop you when you began to eat? You're addicted to ice cream, candy, chocolate, cheese or peanut butter? Avoid having your fridge or pantry these foods you can not resist. You simply eat at restaurants or friends, for example.

4. Limit your alcohol consumption
Alcohol stimulates the appetite. If you take a drink, you may eat more meals at the following. Compulsive people have great difficulty eat sensibly when they consumed alcohol.
5. Watch out for sugary foods
It is particularly hard to resist sweets and high glycemic index. Sweetened breakfast cereals, white bread, desserts, ice cream should be avoided as much as possible.
6. No strict diets to
People who have already monitoring such schemes are among the most prone to binge eating. They succumb easily to the food they are private when they were on a diet.
7. Yes protein
We quickly felt the effect of satiety after eating foods rich in protein. Eggs, cheese, tofu, meat, poultry and fish feel fuller and support for an extended period.
8. Increase your intake fiber
fibers, as protein foods, you feel fuller while promoting bowel movement. People eat less when they eat whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta, for example. Choose crackers, breakfast cereals and bread containing more than 4 grams of fiber per serving.
9. Eat spicy
Studies show that spicy foods, especially those containing chilli, decrease appetite. Raise your dishes. And tasty dishes tasty you will be satisfied quickly.
10. Learn to resist
You are taking a craving? Wait a while before succumbing. Do you really hungry? If the answer is no, but the temptation persists, get out and go for a walk, call a friend or write your journal to clear the mind.
11. Do not eat alone
Getting down to dinner with friends or family to help satisfy the normal portions.
12. Ask for help
If your compulsions are frequent (several times a week) and the problem lasts for months, a consultation with a specialist - a nutritionist or psychologist - is desirable. Some psychologists specialize in the treatment of compulsive behaviors. Overeaters Anonymous The group also assists people struggling with eating disorders. The approach, similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, focuses on the physical, emotional and spiritual. Tel. : 1 800 509-1939. ________________________

By Isabelle Huot, PhD in nutrition

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Vaccination Records In Ontario

The end of prohibited

When you want to lose a few pounds, do you abandon your favorite foods? If yes, after a few days, you feel deprived?

Do you watch those around you, taking pleasure in eating foods "forbidden"? If I say you'll never have the right to chocolate, how long will it take for chocolate to become the only food that you want to eat?

Prohibit and makes us go without, not only unfortunate, but eager to get what you can not have. We begin to deprive us of certain foods because we think they are bad for us. That's when we want the food that we not only prohibited, but a piece, we want very much.

Take for example the chocolate we banish because it contains lots of calories. In a moment of weakness, you cast it on the shelf for fear of never being able to eat again.

After crossing the limit of your ban, you you feel guilty and you are back with a vengeance to restrictions-deprivation: more chocolate for you!

So each time you see the chocolate, you'll hear a little voice telling you that this is a "bad" food! You'll want to make you feel guilty yet!

This sample diet-deprivation may be unconscious but it can become a vicious cycle that you repeat endlessly. Once you have logged in, you can stop it!

Imagine a world without "bad" or "good" foods which you can eat all foods in reasonable quantities and you will not have to give in some.

When you will get rid of any guilt and design "good / bad" foods, then you will feel free. Free to eat and take pleasure in eating everything. Goodbye guilt! Welcome shape!

Hives Outbreak From Herpes

Depression: 30 minutes of exercise to boost morale

A half-hour of brisk walking rapidly improves the morale of depressed people, according to a new study offering them the same stimulation they might seek instant with cigarettes, coffee or a compulsive eating.

According to researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, depressed walking on a treadmill for half an hour just to feel better physical and psychological conditions for at least an hour after finishing exercise . Their work is published in the December issue of the journal Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise. "

The study funded by Future Search Trials, a medical research company based in Austin, examined 40 people aged 18 to 55 years. All have recently suffered a major depression, not taking any antidepressant treatment, nor doing sports.

Patients were divided into two groups. Twenty people have been designated to exercise for 30 minutes while they asked twenty others remain seated quietly during the same period. They were examined five minutes before the session and five, 30 and 60 minutes later.

Patients in both groups have all reported a decrease in their negative feelings, tension, depression, fatigue, anger ... But only the group that had declared the year he felt good after the session.

According to John Bartholomew, head of the research team, this study confirms other work, which has already shown the beneficial effects of exercise, along with treatment and psychological counseling to help people overcome depression.
However, the study is among the first to have demonstrated that exercise can have an immediate beneficial effect.

"This is not something you need to do for ten weeks, or you have to do with intensity," said This specialist, associate professor of kinesiology and health education. "You can make a profit now and I hope that's the kind of thing that will motivate enough people to continue to do so."

The study notes that depressed people fighting their evil blows of cigarettes, coffee or binge eating, derive the same benefit of a practice exercise. But experts note that it is difficult to change bad habits and already hard to do sports in healthy individuals ...

Still, for people suffering from mild or moderate depression, exercise can decrease feelings of abandonment and isolation, said Dr. Erik Nelson, assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at the College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati.

"People should not feel that the only thing they can do is take their medicine and wait to feel better. This kind of study shows that there are things to do for oneself in the short term. "