Take the approach of the child taking his first step: one thing at a time, like using the cream, half & half for the morning coffee instead of full cream. There are many small changes that you can do - in your diet and your daily routine - changes that will make you lose weight long term.
Take a look at 25 tips that follow. You learn to eat smarter, add an element of exercise into your busy schedule while bringing a bit of fresh air into your routine. Begin with this week five of these tips you can follow without too much trouble. Then, add five more next week.
These suggestions do not all agree with everyone, so try and determine what works for you. Seemingly minor changes can have a significant impact on your weight loss - and your new one!
Tips food
• In small pots, the best ointments. Here's a tip to help you feel fulfilled while keeping portion sizes under control. Cut the calorie-rich foods - cheese, chocolate, etc.. - Into smaller pieces. You will feel like to have more.
• Keep dips. If you like dips and sauces, do not make them disappear completely from your diet. Use instead of sour cream or mayonnaise that are lower in fat than regular products.
• Water, more water. Rather than high-calorie snack, your hand should hold a glass of water. That will greatly help your waistline. Add a little lemon or lime slices.
• Grass! Your spice cabinet must take the volume: fill up your herbs and make it also push on the window sill Kitchen. The spices and herbs give great flavor without adding fat or calories.
• "Thin" your soup. When you make a good amount of soup, let it cool in the refrigerator before eating. As it cools, the fat will rise to the surface. You will then be easier to remove with a spoon before reheating again, reducing calorie intake.
• The cookie remains at the restaurant. When you exit the restaurant, ask the waiter to put half your entrĂ©e in a cookie remains before you make your meal. So put aside half your meal before starting to eat will help you better control your portions.
• Listen to your cravings. If you want sugar for a snack, eat something sweet - but opt instead for a good sugar, such as fresh fruit, rather than foods high in calories. It's the same for what is crispy - for example, try popcorn in the air with soy sauce instead of tortillas in fat. It is intelligently substitute.
• Go easy with the news. So eat lots of fruits and vegetables is something new for you, start with moderation. Serve your sandwiches with vegetables, or add fruit to your cereal.
• Look for clues to avoid fat. Want a way to identify high-calorie meals. Be careful when you see the words: au gratin, parmigiana, tempura, alfredo, cream, and carbonara, then opt for moderation.
• Focus on one thing at a time when eating. If you work, read or watch television while eating, you do not pay attention to what you put in your mouth - and you can not enjoy every bite. Every time you sit down for a meal, sit down. Take time to chew and enjoy, full of textures and flavors. Enjoy your meal more and eat less.
• Try something new. Expand your culinary repertoire - you can discover new healthier food than you're used to. Try a new fruit or vegetable a new (you know the cowpea bulbous, plantain, bok choy, starfruit or papaya?).
• Always leave something on the plate. At each meal, be sure to leave a morsel on the plate, either a piece of bagel, half a sandwich bread or hamburger. See if you feel satisfied with less.
• Get to know the size of portions. It is easy to underestimate how much we eat. Do not guess at the amount of food you eat - be safe. Ask how large the portion is read the ingredients lists on packaging and measure the amount of food you are using. Above all, learn to do well calculating portions. A portion of paste, for example, should be the size of a tennis ball.
• Make healthy substitutions. Substitute healthy ingredients for those who are less so. Find what works for you: Use skim milk instead of whole milk, and when you make brownies, use applesauce instead of oil, try whole grain bread instead of white bread.
• Bring your lunch to work. Make your own lunch will help you control portion size. It is also a good alternative to restaurants and junk food. Making healthy choices can be difficult at the restaurant and your wallet will thank you.
• Do not avoid the dessert. You do not have to deprive yourself all the time. Give yourself a little treat from time to time, and when it does, enjoy it without guilt. Keep an eye on your portions and be sure to compensate elsewhere, for example by exercising a little longer then skipping or snack in the afternoon.
• Ask for what you need. Tell your mother-in that you do not want a second portion. Ask your spouse stop to give you chocolate. When it comes time to choose the restaurant with colleagues from the office, ask for a place where you can eat healthy. To lose weight, you must be determined and demand what you want. You are your first priority: the show.
Tips physical activity
• Improve your technique on a treadmill. When you do the treadmill, make sure you can let go of the handles. You can use them to stabilize yourself, but you should not have to keep them constantly. If so, perhaps a signal that you should decrease the intensity of your activity.
• Jean said ... fit! Here's an easy way to exercise while having fun with your children. Get free weights of 0.5 kg and play Simon Says - having the weight in your hands throughout the game You see, the small will love.
• Make the most of your walks. If your usual route has become too easy, increase the effort by finding hills. Just make sure to address them at the beginning of your walk, when you have energy.
• Shop ... and lose weight! Add exercise to your shopping. When you go shopping, do you park as far as possible stores to walk more. Walk the escalators - try to arrive at your destination faster by increasing the pitch - you'll see the benefits.
• Walk 100 steps more to work each day. Add only was it a little exercise to your routine can increase weight loss. Now, use the stairs instead of elevators, and see your colleague's office rather than send an email or phoning him.
Tips lifestyle
• Brush your teeth after every meal and snack. You send a signal to your mouth - and your mind - it is time to stop eating. Brushing will give you fresh breath that you will not want to ruin by taking a chip thereafter. At work, keep in your office toothpaste and a toothbrush in a case.
• Clean your closets. First rather, it is an excellent exercise. Then it's a convenient way to change attitudes. Get rid of all those old clothes that make you feel bad and you are going wrong. Discard anything that is too loose - do not give yourself a chance to wear them again. Put the clothes more fitted to the front to motivate you. Soon, this pair of jeans you will fit too perfectly.
• Measure your waist. You love may not be your current waist size, but you'll be glad you noted your measurements when you find centimeters that disappear. It Another way to measure its success rather than watching the scale. Sometimes it seem hopelessly frozen but you find that you have lost one or two inches taller.
This article comes from us weightwatchers.ca
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