When you squeezed the hunger, if you choose the soup, you could be on the path to weight loss.
In a study phased in over a year, with the subjects of those with overweight and who followed a weight loss plan, the fact they were eating soup as a snack each day, they have lost more weight than if they had consumed food equivalent in terms of calories but more energy dense. The major difference: even if the soup and energy dense foods had the same number of calories, soup took more space in the stomach. With the consequence of leaving a greater feeling of satiety, therefore, subjects were less hungry at the next meal, and therefore ate less during the day.
Eating foods with lower calorie ratio by weight - such as popcorn in the air, soups vegetable broth, fresh vegetables - may help you eat fewer calories during the day, and thus help you in your efforts to lose weight. When you stir the soup in your weight reduction plan, avoid varieties of cream-based soups, which are rich in calories and fat. Instead, things soups chicken broth or vegetable, and those full of vegetables, beans, lentils or brown rice to fill you and help you lose weight.
In the study, people who ate two servings of soup a day as part of a reduced-calorie weight loss, these people lost an average of 16 pounds (7.2 kilos) during the time of the study, one year. People who consumed two servings of energy dense foods per day, for their part, lost an average of 10.5 pounds (4.5 kilograms), or 35% less than those who consumed soup.
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