http://lesoleil. cyberpresse.ca/journal/2004/09/12/sante/02189_oui_ca_change_le_monde.php
Why the "5" and "30"?
Even though they are not the only strategies to improve their health goals "5" and "30", if met, are already likely to have a significant impact on it long term. And on a larger scale, a long-term impact on population health. Especially considering that more than half of Quebecers do not achieve these goals! We could do better ... and make significant health gains in the Belle Province! Experts agree
to say that "eating well" would of course include more fruits and vegetables, but also more whole grain products and fish, dairy products and lean meat, healthy fats ... But as you can not change everything at once, Team Nutrition Challenge proposes a goal "at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables most days, a habit easy to acquire, accessible and linked to a host of health benefits. Side physical activity, "30" is for adults a good first step to adopt a more active lifestyle.
You feel like it ... you want the challenge? Go register on the site of challenge http://defisante530.ca/2006/inscription/recherche/ before March 1, 2006.
source http://defisante530.ca/2006/inscription/recherche/
Wear a pedometer every day to count your steps . If exercise is new to you but you want further adding to your level of activity, start by walking in your neighborhood 15 minutes daily after dinner to accumulate more steps. Gradually increase your activities until you reach your goal of 10,000 steps per day.
Free translation http://www.realage.com/news_features/tip.aspx?dat=26_1_2006