With a skating rink in winter, a playground for all ages from 3 years, a beautiful "forest" that gives shade and coolness in summer, a fountain that attracts her world in the middle ... Baldwin Park is a jewel of the Eastern Plateau.
Terrace Between Mercury and Marie-Anne, the park is open. It was the picnic, we learn to ski or snowshoe one leaves its winter, they are building snowmen or play Frisbee there. It's one of those overlooked spots, rarely crowded, great place to relax in any season, go and play and where many children as school St Aloysius , which welcomes toddlers from 4 to 8 years, on the borders its southern part.
Baldwin Park - source flickr.com |
Now the eyes of a child, nothing more like a dog that attacks a dog who plays . So you can spend hours explaining to a toddler there is no reason to worry, these loose dogs running toward him out of breath are currently play together, it's not him they want to jump on each other as the fangs out of the game is language dog ... well you can move between 2 and 4 times a day through the park to go to school and back, increasing the scenarios ... even the sweetest of dogs can inspire fear in a child .
So when you see the "game" one of those stray dogs that takes a child - perhaps even those who usually do not fear - a target, running towards him, the reverse and rolls on the ground, "to play" while the child screams of panic, thrown to the ground in a "game" which he does not know the rules ... you are right to question the laissez-faire environment. This morning
Valentine is what happened. The master has beautiful game to claim the innocent playfulness and his dog, yet it remains no less than any dog must be leashed at all times on land not fenced , and that stipulated in the bylaws. Not following this rule is to risk of offense reports for up to $ 1,000.
A project for the East?
Why not a dog exercise area in Baldwin Park?
The dog exercise areas (ACS) Plateau (Bank of Sherlock information from the City of Montreal)
• La Fontaine Park (near tennis courts)
3933, avenue du Parc-La Fontaine Park
• Sir Wilfrid Laurier
corner of St. Gregory and Mentana
Moreover, it is possible to walk his dog without a leash, except rottweillers, pit bulls and Dobermans, in a specific area of the Parc Jeanne-Mance, 6 am to 8 pm 30 and 21 h 30 to 24 h. This area is located near the soccer field.