Monday, February 14, 2011

Mature Wearing Girdle Stockings

Baldwin Park Dogs: Leash or freedom?

With a skating rink in winter, a playground for all ages from 3 years, a beautiful "forest" that gives shade and coolness in summer, a fountain that attracts her world in the middle ... Baldwin Park is a jewel of the Eastern Plateau.
Terrace Between Mercury and Marie-Anne, the park is open. It was the picnic, we learn to ski or snowshoe one leaves its winter, they are building snowmen or play Frisbee there. It's one of those overlooked spots, rarely crowded, great place to relax in any season, go and play and where many children as school St Aloysius , which welcomes toddlers from 4 to 8 years, on the borders its southern part.

Baldwin Park - source
One of these places par excellence of socialization, neighborhood learning and community life. If it was not until several years of a laissez-faire general, dogs that crosses there are usually free.

Now the eyes of a child, nothing more like a dog that attacks a dog who plays . So you can spend hours explaining to a toddler there is no reason to worry, these loose dogs running toward him out of breath are currently play together, it's not him they want to jump on each other as the fangs out of the game is language dog ... well you can move between 2 and 4 times a day through the park to go to school and back, increasing the scenarios ... even the sweetest of dogs can inspire fear in a child .

So when you see the "game" one of those stray dogs that takes a child - perhaps even those who usually do not fear - a target, running towards him, the reverse and rolls on the ground, "to play" while the child screams of panic, thrown to the ground in a "game" which he does not know the rules ... you are right to question the laissez-faire environment. This morning
Valentine is what happened. The master has beautiful game to claim the innocent playfulness and his dog, yet it remains no less than any dog must be leashed at all times on land not fenced , and that stipulated in the bylaws. Not following this rule is to risk of offense reports for up to $ 1,000.

A project for the East?
Why not a dog exercise area in Baldwin Park?



The dog exercise areas (ACS) Plateau (Bank of Sherlock information from the City of Montreal)
• La Fontaine Park (near tennis courts)
3933, avenue du Parc-La Fontaine Park
• Sir Wilfrid Laurier
corner of St. Gregory and Mentana

Moreover, it is possible to walk his dog without a leash, except rottweillers, pit bulls and Dobermans, in a specific area of the Parc Jeanne-Mance, 6 am to 8 pm 30 and 21 h 30 to 24 h. This area is located near the soccer field.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Can Parchment Paper Go In Toaster Oven

projects in Eastern

Middle Shelf Life has recently learned that several projects could materialize in the east of the Plateau in the next few years. Relevant projects for the development of Pole from the East but we will all have to actively engage. These projects can not be created without our involvement at all.

Our living space is ours and we have a responsibility to deal with it.

*** You may be aware, we have a new Eco- area from mid-February .
The borough has given the contract to manage the social enterprise Nature-Action Québec for three years. The agency will settle on the ground floor of the Park Chalet Laurier and the district will invest $ 200 000 in 2011. is the time to fill the backlog!

If you greening projects in your lane, your square of trees, would close one end street, refresh your alley or green want to get involved voluntarily with this new team, it's time to show you.

Until the team starts up, you can contact Christine Gosselin the district (514-872-5954).

*** The heart of the center of Eastern is the beautiful Baldwin Park . Between Sherbrooke and the Terrace Guindon, the place is beautiful and deserves to be better used for different activities to neighborhood life. The church, school, children's games, but also - why not - cultural activities, a small public market circulation appeased ...
It's up to us to reflect and propose different ideas - and contribute to their achievement.

If you have ideas, a little time and want to contribute to the development of Pole of the East in your skills and your creativity, write us at VMS. We want to set up various committees to work by next spring.

forward to working with you soon!

*** By the way, the House Aurora is looking for volunteers for homework help: contact 514-527-9075 if you have a few hours to spend with them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Impetigo On Face Now Water Pockets In Throat

School of Trades Construction of Montreal and its living environment (2)

When an institution goes gleefully over the claims of its neighbors, there's plenty angry. But when the same ad agency wanting to expand, without even bothering to warn its residents other than the local newspaper, there are downright worried.

*** All the CSDM has done so far was to present his plans to brief the residents who kept asking him, without taking the trouble to organize consultations it promised . How can she still wonder, with such behavior, that residents are angry and they have the impression of not being listened to?

Thus, despite what CSDM suggests in its press wonderfully encouraging and showing an openness unusual, the meeting held January 5, 2011 did was in response to repeated requests from residents.


The CSDM professes his sincerity and goodwill by pledging today to dim the light by corridors components allegedly "opaque but allows the light" (if it happens in a ... meaning no risk does not also happen in the other?), by installing a hedge that would close the field before (hedge, it is needless to say, it took several years to mature, and which plants can withstand the passage of cars that do not hesitate to park on the land they are supposed to close?)

regard to problems related to excessive traffic, deliveries anarchic, noisy engines and turn off, etc.., CSDM promises signage directing delivery trucks to the entrance on the rue Masson, and let the students park on its private land evenings and weekends . By cons main entrance will remain on the Parthenais, thus concentrating all irritants related to this traffic under the windows of residents.

And for the rest, including street design, "it is the responsibility of the district." Certainly.
bet on us that it does not take care of relaying requests from residents to elected officials, in the spirit of mediation that encourage ad? Residents will have to go themselves to their claims, only, and spend more time alone for eternal "whiners" in the middle. Do not worry, they are accustomed.

Finally, one of the major irritants of the expansion premises MSCOM, namely the installation a monster fan on the roof of the new building , was immediately rejected any discussion. The fan in question is not yet operational, but the tests performed in the late fall and we have seen suggest elevation disturbing ambient noise level .

Should we understand that management of the School itself the right to pollute the sound environment in an uncontrolled manner?


It seems that management of the school, with the consent of the School Board, not merely tolerate criminal behavior from his students "to keep dropouts", applies itself that incivility in his own actions.

M Jak Milosc Online Platne

Considerate Construction Scheme in photo

Photo taken at Greenwich, near London in September 2010 on a very impressive renovation site Multi-old buildings. - We can clearly distinguish the slogan "Improving the Image of Construction.
is chic, is not it?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Makes Milky White Mucus

School of Trades Construction of Montreal and its living environment

Do you know the School of Construction Trades Montreal (MSCOM)?

It has been forty years in the east of the Plateau. It is not a neighborhood school but a "central sector" as likes to call the CSDM, which it depends. The MSCOM offers 17 training programs in construction: plumbing, masonry, electricity, etc.. In addition to training sessions in health and safety at work. On his Facebook reads:
"The School of Construction Trades Montreal (MSCOM) is located in a quiet area of the Plateau Mont-Royal between rue Laurier, Masson and D'Iberville. It has, with 270,000 square feet, a broad learning environment, friendly and easy access. "
In 2007-2008, 2450 students attended the initial training and 4330 others in training. Students whose vast majority motors.


past twenty years, residents are trying to convince management of the CSDM MSCOM and reflect the environment "quiet" residential area of the Plateau. After twenty years, we are at the second generation of citizens who claim a respectful cohabitation . The last two years have been particularly active under the leadership of the Committee of residents Lorimier, led by Richard Boutin.

To better understand the issue, quickly retrace the course of events until January 5:
  • March 2008 - People learn through the newspaper Plateau, the expansions of MSCOM. First
  • mobilization: letter to Diane de Courcy, president of the CSDM, petition and different approaches to management of the School of trustees, elected from the district and neighborhood police station. Many tracks solution are developed by citizens and placed at the CSDM and to the borough.
  • 2009 - permits are granted. Expansion work begins. Public consultation and impact analysis promised by the district and the CSDM never realized. A committee of cohabitation is established.
  • April 2010 - At the committee meeting of cohabitation Councillor Richard Bergeron request a copy of the CSDM expansion plans that it will never be given . Citizens are disappointed and very confident for the future of things : They continued their dealings with various authorities while living daily side effects - heavy traffic, parking problems, antisocial behavior of students, the constant noise of work and different activities generated by the MSCOM. Altercations take place between residents and students.
  • January 5, 2011 - The president of the CSDM, Diane de Courcy convenes citizens Parthenais an information meeting. Citizens are learning that some solutions proposed will be implemented by November 2011, focusing on noise and light. However, no further applications will be received by the CSDM , period. An evaluation meeting will be held in November 2011.
  • January 18, 2011 - The CSDM has issued the following statement:

The CSDM displays openly manifest good will in this case, it does not, however, deprives trumpeting that "a consultation took place during the first phase of expansion " while it is well placed to know that this is false.

Since then, despite "campaigns to raise awareness among students" mentions that this release other events disrespectful of the neighborhood have disrupted the lives of residents : illegal parking, car driving on the sidewalk, police intervention, ticketing, etc. ... a very nice evening of January!


The Committee of residents Lorimier decided to join Plateau environment. Richard Boutin continues to act as a spokesperson on this issue for VMS. In my next post, a description of what it means to live with the MSCOM and analysis of the current situation.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sharking Women Clothes At Street

The Lane, heart of the city life

because you love your alley - one of those narrow streets of the Plateau, where a car passes but no more, which gives a series of gardens more or less closed and around / in which live at least 3 or 4 families with children - and only because you love her, and because your kids have adopted it as an extension of their bedroom, you decide to grow a green in it, as anarchic as it is. After all, you think the green has a significant advantage on the concrete as it adorns the landscape, in addition to fighting against the heat island effect. And then the pictures you take your kids are prettier with plants cracks with asphalt and some waste carelessly left there as a backdrop.

Allow push what comes - sagebrush, raspberry, ivy: what dress up any ugly fence.

Summer happens, the bees come and go, you shorten some branches too bold, your regular inspections confirm that n 'There is no grass smart or ragweed, you also praise you for your initiative that makes a bit more lively street and welcoming.

And then the following winter, towards the end of January, you receive a ticket with regard to your "negligence" (yes), which meant that the plants are over 15 cm. So you learn at the same time several things at once:
  • there is a law requiring them to maintain plants in the public domain within 15 cm (one wonders who it benefits, or rather who can well be disturbed by few green plants)
  • you are required to maintain the public land adjacent to your place of residence provided that they are green (for cons are not talking about snow removal, and even less of Rubbish)
  • "negligence" leading to anarchy green bounded by 50 cm wide in a very busy street costs 3 times more expensive ($ 144) than that involving a car parked in the wrong place at the wrong time and annoying traffic of thousands of people ($ 47)

Those are things you learn. But there are others that bring you into the abyss of perplexity
  • the finding of infringement you have received dates back almost four months, yet it is a copy of a original that you never sent
  • the statement (so its copy) in vain to mention a date and time (counts also a bit too "round" to your liking, October 1 at 15h battery but nevermind), there is no mention that the statement was given to the person in question, then it would have been enough to leave it in the mailbox on the other side (the price must admit, additional 100 meters walking)
  • 30 days for allegedly plead guilty or not guilty are long since gone, but you can not do anything because you were not even aware that you had committed an offense

It's enough to wonder where common sense is made.


Source: City of Montreal
Montreal fight (or fight it announcement, which is not quite the same thing) to keep their families, but in the big pot of more or less obvious reasons why they are fleeing the city, there are also adapting to the reality of laws. And it seems apparent that strong economic way to improve the attractiveness and image of family life in town is to showcase this unique heritage lanes.

Is it so difficult to understand than regulations as the maximum height of 15 cm of green are absurd, with clear purpose other than to prevent life to settle in these streets?

Is that so hard to conceive that the game in the alley is part of the lives of urban children? Urban culture of Quebec itself? Why ban it (as there is a law to that effect, if so) under the pretense that the alley is a place of passage , which must be redeemed at any time ?

Is it so impossible to see it through tremendous "clothesline effect" of an alley in health of young immigrant families (often those who choose the city, consciously or not) fit into their neighborhood?

Is it so unthinkable to see that the streets, especially if they are greenish and / or upgraded so that it slow - or even to prevent - the movement, are often the first space of romping children who came by in-front, out from in back-to live their lives out of sight of their parents? For there is nothing in common out to the park (supervised by mom and dad) and playing out in the alley (away from the eyes of mom and dad, but not really alone because there is always 1 or 2 neighbors to take a look).
Not to mention parents to turn a 5-7 improvised decompress from their day and enjoy the good life the last rays of summer sun ...


Greening the streets, the "live" to reduce traffic whenever possible or realistic to leave a nice anarchy reign (plants, games, benches) as evidence of life as opposed to letting go of an alley abandoned by its residents ... it is a wonderful way to keep its people there, attach them to a neighborhood.

St John's Lane - friendly neighbors and
In the alley you learn to live together, know each other, we discuss, we debate, we co-lives in all sense. Lane is the best place for the appreciation of urban life. So what pretext should we keep it desert, without attractions, released at any time - certainly for the engine that had an uncontrollable urge to cross?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Does Waxing Cause Spots

Visit the blog 1CAS

A new blog has emerged: the 1CAS will share their passions to share with their counterparts in Morocco.
The blog will grow over the year.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Daylight Gained After Solstice

Soon on our blog

Since mid-December, nearly 200 people mainly from Eastern Middle mobilize different ways around the middle shelf of Life (VMS). Several projects
s "will begin in the coming months. We will keep you happy and if you feel like it, join us! Simply send us an email expressing your interest.

To follow soon:

  • Review meetings between the residents' committee Lorimier, Management of the School of Construction Trades (CME) and president of the CSDM;
  • Our Action Plan 2011-2012;
  • A great project that we still keep secret .....